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Why WordPress is The Best CMS? Everything You Need to Know


Before we are going to start and get to know intensely about the WordPress CMS, Why WordPress is the best CMS for small business as well as large and enterprise business website?

Let’s get little bit brief about what is CMS? And which CMS is the best for small business as well as corporate business websites.

If you are unaware of a content management system (CMS), it is a web software program that helps to manage & develop content digitally.

Web content management system (WCM/WCMS) is a widely known form of CMS which supports and manages the content meant for Web pages.

If you still are thinking about choosing WordPress CMS or not, you Must Read Further!

We’ve made it easy for you by covering all aspects in this article that you need to know about CMS? And Why WordPress Is the Best CMS for Your Website: Top Reasons to Choose It? So, let’s begin.

What’s a Content Management System (CMS)?

what is wordpress - Pros and Cons of WordPress, Why WordPress

A content management system (CMS) is a software application that helps create, manage, publish, and store digital data.

A CMS is needed for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM). It generally works best with structured data like documents, database records and so on. A CMS offers a graphical user interface to develop and manage content without any complex coding.

How Does a CMS Work?

A CMS provides a platform to create and manage web content. But, how does it function? CMS works through two key components: content management application (CMA) and content delivery application (CDA).

CMA is the graphical user interface that allows designing, editing, and, if needed, deleting the unnecessary content from a website without any prior HTML knowledge.

The other component, i.e. CDA, offers back-end services for support, management, and content delivery once the user is ready in the CMA.

Read Also: WordPress for My Business Website: 10 Important Reasons Why Should I go with

Benefits of using a CMS

No wonder a good CMS comes with numerous benefits to keep your website on the go! So what are those advantages that help us while choosing the suitable CMS?

Read below and find out:

  • Easy to use: No need to worry if you’re not a tech-savvy. CMS, a graphical user interface, offers easy-peasy usage without any complications.
  • Universal accessibility: Access your content using any device from anywhere with a CMS. All you need is internet connectivity.
  • Search for information easily: Looking to find something out? A built-in search feature provides quick results to users for what they are searching, quite similar to a query made at Google search engine.
  • Easy to scale: A CMS allows multiple users and makes it easy for businesses to incorporate new web pages as the business shoots up, that too without any need for a developer.
  • Manage content effortlessly: Whether you’ve to create content or need to remove any, it’s super easy! Updating websites with a great CMS is not a tough task at all.
  • Instant content updates. A CMS enables users to manage and update content in real time — without needing to wait for a developer.

Read Also: Why WordPress is Ideal for Small Businesses

How to choose the best CMS for your website?

It’s nothing easy to choose the best CMS for your business from amongst a plethora of options. One may come across endless factors while zeroing in on a CMS and investing in the same.

Out of the lot, there are always certain significant aspects that one should never miss out on while choosing the suitable CMS.

why using wordpress, why use wordpress,

Smart search features and an easy-to-use editor interface are some of them. Plus, it’s essential to check if the CMS supports different languages and how are the operations maintained.
Another vital check is to analyse the control for both administrators and end-users when using the particular CMS, along with the diversity of electronic data forms being used.
The benefit of quick indexing of all kinds of digital content helps search for the best CMS.

Why choose WordPress CMS? As the far as CMSs like Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress are concerned, it’s only WordPress which is the simplest of them all and highly productive.

It’s super easy to build websites with a Custom WordPress Development Company in India or just about anywhere globally.

Related: 16 Recommended List of the Best eCommerce CMS

There are many CMS available on the web than “Why WordPress”?

Why you should choose WordPress as your website CMS? Well, because it is endless advantage of WordPress CMS. WordPress is ten-fold famous with users as compared to other CMS. WordPress CMS Development: Tips for Creating a Powerful Website.

With each passing day, more and more number of users are creating WordPress sites for a variety of purposes because of its very easy to install, customization, millions of WordPress themes and thousands of plugins available for professional website development.

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The popularity of WordPress’ community is growing exponentially and its popularity is reflected in search trends as per the usage rates of all types of CMS.

Approximately 26% of websites worldwide are running WordPress. They expand from blogs and entertainment to business and e-commerce sites.

Now, if you’re thinking as to why you should switch to WordPress from another platform, then you’re at the right place. In this article, we will share everything about why you must start using WordPress.

With the advent of internet and technology, WordPress has managed to emerge as one of the top CMS tools available on the web currently. WordPress started out as an old-school blogging site.

The very first version was out on May 27th, 2003, with a major update coming a year later.

It was a revolutionary tool where end users and WordPress developers extended the functionality of the software, WordPress Sketch Plugins Help to Make Ideal WordPress Design and writing their own plugins to share with the fast growing community.

And, from then onwards, WordPress has only been achieving one milestone of success to another.

The success story of WordPress is an outcome of various factors, one being up to date with the trends through regular and multiple annual updates, along with latest features.

Hire WordPress Developers

WordPress is one of the top CMS platforms

WordPress: hall of fame

WordPress turns 21 in 2024! And that’s why we’re here to take the celebrations a notch higher by taking a look as to how it’s the most powerful CMS of current times.

Since its inception, WordPress has climbed great success ladders to become one of the best global CMS platforms with amazing versatility, awesome features, and flexible functionality.

WordPress is the most popular Content Management System till date with more than 10 million users. It’s interesting to note that the CMS takes up more than 25% websites around the world; there’s no denying that WordPress is the best CMS and rules the web.

Some of the notable inductees include:

Matt Mullenweg: Co-founder of WordPress and Automattic, the company behind
Mike Schrott: Co-founder of WordPress and one of the key developers of the platform.
Donncha Haigh: Theme developer and co-founder of ThemeHybrid, a popular theme framework.
Andrew Nacin: Core WordPress developer and contributor to numerous plugins and themes.
Scott Wells: Plugin developer and founder of iThemes, a leading provider of WordPress themes and plugins.

It’s being used by 75 million websites leading to more than 65 million new posts every month with more than 40 million comments, and what not!

Read Also: HubSpot CMS vs WordPress: The Epic Battle of the Century

Why WordPress is the best CMS?

WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS); a free web software which enables the user to create magic!

It helps you to efficiently create content and take control of your data, manage, update or remove digital data like text, images, audios/videos etc. on your website.

WordPress is a versatile and strong web building tool. It is best suited for business websites, e-commerce websites, small/medium sized sites, or blogs.

WordPress best CMS has cemented its place on a global note as one of the top CMS tools.

WordPress has significantly evolved into a powerful content management system and website builder. WordPress is extremely easy to use and provides the freedom to create various kinds of websites with flexible and seamless functionalities.

Feature Description
Content Management
– Posts and Pages Create and manage various types of content, including blog posts, articles, static pages, and more.
– Media Library Upload, organize, and manage images, videos, and other media files.
– Revisions Track changes to content and revert to previous versions if needed.
– Scheduling Schedule posts and pages to publish at specific times.
– Comments Enable user engagement through comments and discussion.
– Widgets Easily add and arrange dynamic content blocks in sidebars and other designated areas.
User Management
– User Roles Assign different levels of access and permissions to users (e.g., administrators, editors, authors, contributors, subscribers).
– Profiles Manage user information and settings.
– Customizable Designs Choose from thousands of pre-designed themes or create your own to control the visual appearance of your website.
– Theme Editor Modify theme code directly within the WordPress dashboard.
– Extend Functionality Add new features and functionality to your website using a vast library of plugins.
– Plugin Directory Access thousands of free and premium plugins from the official WordPress directory.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
– Permalinks Create custom URL structures to improve search engine visibility.
– Meta Tags Add descriptive meta tags to your content for better search engine rankings.
– Sitemaps Generate XML sitemaps to help search engines discover and index your content.
Multilingual Support
– Translations Translate your website into multiple languages using plugins and language packs.
– Regular Updates Receive regular security updates to address vulnerabilities.
– User Authentication Protect your website with password-protected logins.
Backup & Restore
– Backup Tools Create backups of your website content and data for disaster recovery.
Developer Tools
– REST API Interact with WordPress data and functionality using a RESTful API.
– Custom Post Types Create custom content types to structure and organize data beyond posts and pages.
– Custom Taxonomies Create custom categories and tags to classify content.
– Hooks and Filters Extend and modify WordPress functionality through code.

WordPress CMS is Free!!

Yay!!! Its FREE! It’s always a good idea to choose WordPress CMS as it is a free platform. Well, free means you can surely download it without any charge, make use of it and modify it to as per your demands to create a variety of websites.

WordPress use by newbie developers, bloggers, freelancers, influencers, small business and corporate business owners.

No wonder the WordPress is free, but you essentially require a domain name and web hosting to install it.

Read Also: WordPress vs Squarespace: Which is Best for Your Business?

Design a WordPress website super-duper EASILY!

So as we’re aware by now about the popularity of WordPress as a CMS tool, it should be easy to acknowledge that WordPress powers more than 40% of all websites.

The world knows about three CMS giants: WordPress, Joomla and Drupal.

WordPress, here, takes away the winner’s trophy!  WordPress happens to be the simplest and easiest CMS amongst all. Many of best web design & development company in India use WordPress for custom WordPress website design & development for their clients.

For beginner no need to require coding knowledge, create your dream websites with WordPress easily and quickly with free WordPress themes and free plugins.

With WordPress, you will have the freedom to modify content, layout, functionality, features, and anything that makes your website a success.

WordPress dashboard is extremely easy too, so don’t worry if you are not loaded with technical knowledge. WordPress is meant for any and every kind of user.

Read Also: The Complete WordPress SEO Checklist: Tips to Improve Your Rankings

Attractive WP themes & plugins on WordPress CMS

In order to create an awesome and exclusive website WordPress plugins and themes play a vital role. This is also why there are so many contributors to WordPress plugins and themes.

Those who are unversed about in-depth technicalities, WordPress offers you the best choice in CMS as it houses thousands of free website templates (themes) that you can choose from.

There is also a finest WordPress theme suitable for just about every kind of website be it a blog or an e-commerce. Out of a wide variety of built-in free themes and templates, one may also find premium themes for extended and exclusive features, to bring that ‘extra’ to his/her site.

The premium themes bring varied personalised options, plethora of designs, plus customer support. Technical developers have the choice to use advanced themes or plugins.

They may even create their own, if required. The options to choose from, as per need, make WordPress the choice of CMS for everyone.

  • The best part is that WordPress themes are extremely easy to customize letting you bring changes according to choice, whether it’s about changing colors, uploading your brand logo, changing the background, and just about anything, that too without any hassles of coding!
  • It’s super convenient to customise WordPress website development with the help of plugins. WordPress plugins are like apps meant to incorporate advanced features like analytics, contact forms, and much more to your WordPress website.
  • WordPress themes (different templates) play a key role in enhancing the overall look of a website, and in improving the sites’ functionality as well. Plugins help in the customisation of WordPress templates for greater functionality such as faster loading time. Widgets take care of the general appearance (adding a footer or sidebar to the website). With plugins, designing a website gets easier as per need.

Due to its robust features, many of the top brands use WordPress to power their websites, which includes TechCrunch, BBC America, Star War Blogs, MTV News, Quartz Blog, Time Magazine, The New York Times, and more.

Choose WordPress cms

WordPress is an open source & it is SEO friendly

Advantage of being an open source platform is that a private company cannot have the power to remove your content on its own, no matter what the reason is.

So, as WordPress is an open source CMS too, it offers you total control over your content which means you’re unlikely to lose any upon publish it using WordPress.

If you’re looking to create a WordPress site with WordPress Development Company in India, then you must sit back and relax.

You have the freedom to connect the content to your own servers, extend, download, modify, or experiment with it whichever way is feasible.

WordPress is amazing at organic SEO too! Yes, you read it right! The Complete WordPress SEO Checklist which helps to get top search engine ranking on the result pages matters the most.

After all you reach out to the best! Good search engine ranking attracts thousands of users to a website daily. That’s what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is meant for. Proper SEO plays a critical role in attracting user traffic.

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Google and other search engines function on certain set parameters which help them rank the websites. WordPress handles those parameters effectively. According to Google, WordPress has a 99% approval rating for SEO friendliness.

And that’s the reason why WordPress is the best CMS globally! WordPress comes loaded with features necessary to optimize your website for SEO purpose.

WordPress developers offer you the option of making your URL keyword rich.

With a proper HTML markup, WordPress leads the way in providing the best SEO optimised websites, which a lot CMSs do not have. WordPress creates optimised images, incorporates tags and titles in the most appropriate way.

WordPress core features:

  • Easy content creation: What would be the fate of a website if it has poor content? Of course, it’s a nightmare to think about worthless content loaded websites doing no good! WordPress makes it easier for users to create content from blogs to news and what not!
  • Image optimization: An attractive website requires attention grabbing visuals, images, graphics etc.  WordPress ensures proper image optimization with the built-in editor which lets one optimize images with captions, descriptions, alt tags, and a lot more.

WordPress Image optimization

  • Excellent HTML markup: WordPress is loaded with precise HTML markup that plays a key role in letting the search engines comprehend your website’s layout and content formats much efficiently. As all you want is a perfect SEO optimised website ranking at the top of search engine’s results.

Permalinks: Permalinks or Permanent Links are best suited when they’re loaded with content related perfect keywords. And, WordPress keeps it extremely easy to personalise them.

WordPress and its user friendly features

WordPress comprises of an organized and user friendly interface. It’s no wonder why WordPress is the best CMS worldwide as it’s so easy to use that even the most naïve beginners can easily grab the hold of the platform’s tools in no time.

Its features and functionality are extremely relatable along with user-friendly language options. It’s simple with no coding needed to make and manage professional looking websites. WordPress developers, with their years of experience let you certainly enjoy the best web and content developing benefits.

Read Also: How to Hire Dedicated WordPress Developers in India?

Customise with WordPress

The flexibility of WordPress platform allows greater prospects for beginners, even if they have to be plain bloggers. Being able to customise as per your desire offers immense freedom when it comes to creating and publishing content.

WordPress is there at your service with totally customisable features and that’s one of the reasons why WordPress is so popular. WordPress can be efficiently used to develop almost any kind of WordPress websites.

The user is in total control to create, manage, edit, or remove their content. WordPress was built to be completely customisable. It incorporates core and a variety of themes and plugins, making it flexible to suit different needs.

Multi-Language with WordPress in Language of Your Choice

WordPress developers bring exclusive services to the table. As compared to other CMSs, WordPress can be Multi-Language into more than 60 languages! Isn’t that amazing?! Although, a major portion of WordPress sites are created in English, yet there’s so much more to it.

Translate with WordPress in Language

With translation, it’s so much easy to get your WordPress website in your own sweet language. Translating in to a plethora of languages makes WordPress as the most powerful CMS for global audience where users can publish a website or blog in as many languages as they can think of.

WordPress and its mobile friendliness

It’s very easy to create a website which is mobile-friendly with WordPress. Now what does that mean?

With each passing year, people are getting more technology conscious and are upgrading their phones and devices to keep connected with the changing times. Almost every individual tend to visit a website at the comfort of his fingers using a mobile phone or tablet, wherever they are.

Not all websites load exactly the same on every single device. Slow loading sites and unclear graphics will take your visitor to the competitor.

This is the reason why a mobile-friendly website is the need of the hour many sites still aren’t optimized for different screen ratios and fast-paced loading. Google prioritizes mobile experience while ranking a website.

Next time you want your site to show up at the top on search results, think about WordPress.

Websites built on WordPress are compatible and configured for mobile devices. Built-in WordPress functionality and WordPress themes help creating mobile compatible websites.

Starting from site designing to image scaling, WordPress keeps your site optimised to help both users and search engines access your site on all devices, leading to a great user experience no matter the screen size.

Share it easily with WordPress

WordPress comes with a built-in media uploader to handle your sites’ digital content like images and audio/video files. WordPress post editor offers you the perks of embed YouTube videos, Instagram photos, Tweets, and Soundcloud audio.

Promote your content with WordPress. WordPress supports Embed enabled sites and allows the user total grip over content which could be amplified through connections. You’ll find various sites Embedded in WordPress such as: Google Maps, Youtube, Twitter, Flickr, Dailymotion, Photobucket, PollDaddy, SoundCloud, Slideshare and much more.

Read Also: How To Make WordPress Website Faster And Optimized?

WordPress is safe & secure

Being hacked should be the last thing on somebody’s mind!

No need to worry about security if you choose WordPress CMS. WordPress is known to be a secure platform to run a website with all measures taken to maintain high levels of safety. WordPress regularly releases security updates to protect your site from malwares and malicious activities.

There are a few simple tricks that may help you to keep your WordPress website in the most secure form. You may start by regularly upgrading your site to the latest WordPress version. Secondly, themes and plugins you trust can be used to alleviate security related issues. You may add a managed WordPress host to protect the site against common threats.

Read Also: 5 best ways to maintain Website security on WordPress

Easy to manage

You’ll always ne keeping with latest updates on your fingertips with WordPress owing to its regular notifications about new version availability. Update WordPress Version with a simple click. Easy management of WordPress websites could also be achieved with WordPress mobile apps.

And when it comes to protecting your data incidents of hacking, you may use a WordPress backup plugin to automatically create backups and store them remotely in a safe manner.

Take the ownership with WordPress

If you’re writing a blog or thinking about creating the simplest website, you can come across various CMS options. What makes WordPress stand out from the crowd is that it offers the ownership to users.

But, what does that mean?

Well, let’s say, if you build a Facebook or Twitter page, or anything similar, it doesn’t mean you own those platforms. These platforms have a hidden downside, the owners can change the terms and conditions anytime, and you’ll be left with a severely compromised audience interaction.

Tumblr may seem like a simple and easy place to create a shop or business at. But you don’t own that shop. It’s Tumblr that does. That’s where the drawback arises and affects not just your primary online presence but your business too.

Wouldn’t it be great if you yourself own your base of operations? That’s what WordPress brings to reality, and that’s why WordPress is the best CMS!

WordPress allows you the freedom to download the software and install it on your own host. This means you’re the boss of everything! It lets you own the space, URL, and the software. You’ll not have to worry about privacy concerns, new and sudden layout, new design, uncalled formats, complicated buttons…Phew!! No one will have the liberty to change the rules, except you.

WordPress never lets you take the risk of allowing someone else the power to control what is yours.

Note: offers free hosted sites that you don’t own. To take advantage of full ownership, you need to use and buy your own hosting.

Software tools integration

While you wish to build a fantastic website, there are surely some factors that you cannot overlook. They could be as simple as presenting your work online, streamline information for your users, or generating great leads for your business. All this requires you to connect with other relevant apps and software (social media platforms, email marketing tools, analytics applications etc.) to achieve the goal.

WordPress is an extremely popular CMS all thanks to the numerous benefits it confer. The process to integrate online tools in your workflow is very simple, no matter if the connections use an API or a plugin.

Easy to install

It’s quick and easy to get started with WordPress. Unlike other CMSs, WordPress is famous for its five-minute installation process. Whenever you are ready to install WordPress, it’ll guide you at every step with all the help.

It takes just five minutes in the automatic installation of WordPress websites via web hosting services. Manual installation could take less than 1 hour. With WordPress, you are allowed to add thousands of new pages and blog post easily without slowing down the speed of website and if you are getting slow WordPress website speed performance then you should take these steps to improve your WordPress website performance.

Easy to use

We bet nothing could be easier than using WordPress! If you have the basic knowledge of Microsoft Word, handling emails, and related computer stuff then be rest assured that you can handle WordPress. Look for all the benefits of amazing CMS with a great WordPress Development Company in India:

  • It’s a lot easier to post content with WordPress: Use WordPress Post Editor to easily post new content, keeping you totally in control of what you’ve to post
  • Edit previous uploaded content: Equally easy is to edit your old content with the WordPress Dashboard. Manage your content easily, make edits and update in a matter of minutes.
  • Manage the menu items: Create and configure your own navigation menus as its super easy to bring changes to the menu items with WordPress’ custom menu options.
  • Quickly modify your site’s look and layout: One has the freedom of choosing from a ton of free WordPress themes to manage the look and feel of a website. You can also choose the readymade WordPress theme or custom unique WordPress theme.
  • Checkout this difference between Ready Made WordPress Theme Vs. Custom Unique WordPress Theme. Apart from having a choice to custom make their own page elements using Premium WordPress themes like iThemes.
  • Add new functions with ease: WordPress plugins make it possible to enhance the functionality of your WordPress website with added quality and support.
  • New block-based editor: Find the biggest upgrade to WordPress (WordPress 5.0) with a new block editor called the Gutenberg WordPress Editor.

Read Also: 21 Quick Tips to Safeguard your WordPress Website


WordPress is emerging as the right hand of a number of organisations worldwide, including multi-national news corporations, start-ups, not-for-profit charities to individuals, bloggers, global superstars, and freelancers.

WordPress has strengthened its base already and is going to stay as one of the internet’s top CMS platforms. Its popularity and quality services are surely owed to the dedication of the WordPress team, working hard daily to provide regular updates and new features to users that make using the platform seamlessly.

After launching your WordPress website, you need to keep some important points like regularly take backup, update latest versions and keep your website 99% up for users.

I hope you enjoy the world of WordPress and would love to hear what you think about WordPress CMS. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Why WordPress


Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari is an SEO manager at Pixlogix Infotech Pvt. Ltd. bringing 8+ years of expertise in driving organic traffic and creating data-driven marketing strategies. With a deep understanding of business, marketing, and promotional tactics, he specializes in technical SEO, content optimization, and paid advertising. Ashish has helped businesses across e-commerce, SaaS, healthcare, and other industries achieve measurable growth. Known for his dedication and growth mindset, he has consistently delivered impactful results and achieved significant milestones in record time.

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