Magento 2 Contact Form Extension
Install Easy Contact Form Extension – Let's build custom Magento 2 Multiple Contact Form
The Magento 2 Form Builder from Pixlogix enables the online store owners to add an intuitive contact or feedback form easily. It empowers store visitors to provide valuable feedback or place an inquiry for the business. Once the form is submitted using Flexible Magento 2 Contact form Extension, the information is shared with the store owner in a couple of minutes. Moreover, Magento extensions for eCommerce help you embed the Magento 2 Multiple Contact Form anywhere in your website on the go. This CAPTCHA enabled Easy Contact Form Extension for Magento 2 also empowers you to protect your store from the positional spammers.
- Quick to install and set up the M2 contact form
- Easy to enable or disable the feature of extension from the backend
- Fully responsive and 100% flexible front-end design
- Integrated form validation and spam protection using captcha
- Helps you configure dynamic contact forms using conditional form fields
Special Price $79.00
Regular Price: $99.00
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What Magento 2 Contact Form Extension offers
M2 Contact form extension is a popular tool for creating and managing contact forms in Magento 2. Trusted and downloaded by thousands of online business owners, easy contact form extension contains a lot of great functionality which every online shop owner should take advantage of. Be it collecting customer feedback, requesting quotes or service inquiry, this extension simplifies complex tasks for you!
Magento 2 Contact form extension supports 1 column, 2 columns and 1 column wide layout so there is no worry about responsive design. It further empowers the admin to utilize any of the forms as the product inquiry form on multiple product pages.
Let’s explore what Magento 2 Multiple Contact Form flexibleforms extension brings to customers:
Unlimited form creation with database records.
Enable product inquiry form.
Facilitate form specific email template.
Form sender IP address on admin result grid.
Dynamic dependable country and state fields.
Field specific custom CSS class on the frontend.
Easy use of widgets to insert a form on CMS page.
Use separate email templates for admin and customer.
Access to emails with fieldsets and without fieldsets.
WYSIWYG editor variable working on the frontend.
Unlimited fields creation with different types of field types.
Comes with field specific custom validation messages.
Dynamic form redirection after successful form submission.
File/Image max upload size limit option and file extension restriction option on frontend.
Radio and checkbox options for horizontal and vertical list style manageable by admin.
- Support custom role permission.
- Store specific form permission.
- Have form specific email settings.
- Dynamic option for enable/disable top and footer links.
- Enable/disable the option to store the result into the database.
- Multiple design layouts on the frontend.
- Filter on admin result grid.
- Form submission time column on admin result grid.
- Form sender browser info on admin result grid.
- Admin can set predefined backend variables for frontend login users.
- Field label tooltip to display label information on the frontend.
- Admin can add comment/note to a field on the frontend.
- User-friendly form navigation on the frontend.
- Easy use of Google reCaptcha.
- Dynamic forms submit button text.
- Dynamic form top description.
- Dynamic form bottom description.
- Dynamic form successful message.
- Compelling and dynamic form failure message.
- Set field position to change field order on the frontend.
- Unlimited fieldsets creation with different types of fieldsets and its description.
- Auto set session value for fields when invalid form submission is enabled to prevent resetting of all values on the frontend.
- Duplicate form with its fieldsets and fields.
- Duplicate fieldset from edit fieldset page.
- Duplicate field from edit field page.
- Delete form with its fieldsets and fields.
- Mass Delete form with its fieldsets and fields.
Supported Field Types:
- Text
- Textarea
- Number
- Select
- Multiselect
- Checkbox
- Radio
- Date
- Time
- Date Time
- Image
- File
- Country
- State
- Star Rating
- Terms & conditions
- Send copy to me
- Hidden
Awesome Extension
It has so many features like unlimited forms, Multiple design layouts, Google reCaptcha, Delete forms and many more.
One of my favorite extension
The extension works very well and helped me to create different contact forms for my different needs.
It works great!!
It saved a lot of my time. It is very easy to use and works great.
First time buyer
This is the first time I have purchased an exention from Pixlogix, and I think I will come back. Thanks for the great extension.
Great extension
The extension is very useful and has assisted us in creating various contact forms for various purposes. It's very easy to use and understand.
5 Star rate worthy
This contact form extension makes everything easier. I've created a lot of forms, and they're all beautiful.
Best contact form extension
This is a best contact form extension for M2. It is fully responsive and flexible.
Amazing Functionalities
I like the features & functionalities of this extension. Amazing!!
Good features
It is awesome contact form extension with the great features.
Very useful extension!! Thank you.
Write Your Own Review
How to install Magento 2 Contact Form Builder Flexibleforms extension?
Every Pixlogix extension pack includes module files, an installation guide and a user guide depending on the extension you purchase, there also may be import files which can be used by you as examples.
Pixlogix extensions are easy to install. All you need is to have FTP/SSH access details, and follow below steps to complete.
- Backup your web directory and store database.
- Enable all cache from admin (System > Tools > Cache Management) before upload extension.
- Extract extension zip package and copy folder (app).
- Upload (app) folder to your store root folder by FTP.
- After uploading (app) folder navigate to your store root folder in the SSH console of your server:
- cd path_to_the_store_root_folder (cd public_html)
- Run the following command:
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- Flush the store cache; Logout to complete installation process and login.
Does the Magento 2 Form Builder Flexibleforms work on mobile devices?
Yes, the Magento 2 Form Builder Flexibleforms is a responsive form that works on all devices like laptop, tablet, smartphone, ipad, iphone, android, window phone.
How to use form widget into cms page?
To use any form into cms page, put {{widget type="flexibleforms/widgetform" form_id="1"}} code into cms page. You just need to replace form_id with your form id.
Does the Magento 2 Contact Form Builder Flexibleforms require any other plugins or libraries?
No, the Magento 2 Contact Form Builder Flexibleforms does not requires any other plugin/library. This extension already have used Google ReCaptcha so admin just need to add secret and site key.
I have some other questions, how do I get support?
Feel free to contact us or please leave your feedback on live chat.
Can I get a refund if an extension doesn’t work?
We offer 25 days money back guarantee for all of our Magento products.
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