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Selection between Custom HTML5 and Ready-to-use Frameworks


The confusion to choose amongst custom versus ready-to-use solutions or tools is a never-ending argument in this IT world. Whether it’s linked to PHP, CSS, JavaScript or a framework. The query to use a ready-made code or using your own code rises frequently. This is key to front-end frameworks, as they are straightforwardly accountable for the website look and feel Custom HTML5.

Today though people are preferring to pick the ready-made tools that provide them the instant results, it is not every time the finest option. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of Custom HTML5 and ready to use frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation, which will assist you to take the correct decision to choose between them.

Custom HTML5

HTML5 has shown tangible results in a short time. Especially Google Chrome and Opera, which have offered the key series of HTML5 functionalities with their browser. Developers have successfully adapted to build advanced applications working on all browsers with HTML5.

The year of 2015 showed success for PSD to Responsive HTML Conversion with a drastic increment in the number of websites that commenced using HTML5 features. And the most popular were – YouTube opting to HTML5 video feature as the default option and Facebook opting for HTML5 over Adobe Flash. Custom HTML5 has also successfully introduced changes in eCommerce, advertising and digital marketing domains.

Advantages of Custom HTML5 Solutions

  • Custom HTML5 offers strong and many robust results
  • It is precise, saves time and efforts with better performance
  • It has 100% modularity. It will give you results, the way you require
  • Designer or developers have complete control over code and design functionalities
  • Minimum usage of 3rd party components which reduces some of the headaches
  • The exclusivity of the website is 100% certain

Downsides of Custom HTML5 Solutions

Regardless of the multiple benefits which HTML5 offers, it even has some downsides.

  • No much support to legacy browsers
  • Problems with Cross-browser compatibility
  • The constraint of animations and graphics
  • Some issues with audio and video provisions
  • Takes more efforts and time
Ready-to-use Tools and Solutions

Frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation have transformed ways to build the sites. As these tools have made simpler for even the non-programmers, to build sites with very little efforts, cost and time involvement. However, such website creation could lead to serious downsides.

Advantages of Ready-to-use Tools and Solutions

  • One doesn’t need to be a programmer. Basic knowledge of CSS and HTML is fine to create a decent website
  • Most of the initial programming has previously been completed by expert developers
  • Reduces efforts, money, and time invested in creating a site
  • Offers Plug-and-play functionality
  • Steady and fully tested code
  • Work correctly on all browsers supported by the framework
  • Consistent updates and innovative responsive html5 features are released

Downsides of Ready-to-use Tools and Solutions

Regardless of the multiple advantages which a ready-to-use framework provides, it even has thoughtful downsides. For a usual user or for simple requirements, the downsides, or disadvantages described below can look unimportant, however, for one looking for quality work, these are of utmost importance.

  • While the plug-and-play features sound magical before you yield its benefits one would need to capitalize on it and spend enough time to learn the same
  • For the reason that ready-to-use functionalities habitually means one solution for all, such a structure tries to resolve each and every problematic scenario that a user could meet, which directs to a large proportion of un-required code which could create lots of difficulties in the long run
  • As it’s made for mass usage, one can be nearly sure that there will be enough need of tweaking a ready framework to meet user necessities, which will require added efforts and time
  • If someone does not customize his site it will look plain vanilla, which can harm the product’s overall image and it will not look interesting to its target audience
  • Additional Third-party integrations might be required in many scenarios if the framework you’ve picked would not have all the required features
  • Designers do not have full control of the code and functionalities
How Can You Make the Correct Decision between Custom and Ready-to-use Solutions?

To make the correct choice, you need to ask the correct question to yourself. It would include questions on your capability, the investment of your time and required efforts.

If you need any support for PSD to HTML Conversion, please feel free to get in touch with us.


Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari is an SEO manager at Pixlogix Infotech Pvt. Ltd. bringing 8+ years of expertise in driving organic traffic and creating data-driven marketing strategies. With a deep understanding of business, marketing, and promotional tactics, he specializes in technical SEO, content optimization, and paid advertising. Ashish has helped businesses across e-commerce, SaaS, healthcare, and other industries achieve measurable growth. Known for his dedication and growth mindset, he has consistently delivered impactful results and achieved significant milestones in record time.

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